Hurford Youth Fellowship Program 2022 in the USA | Fully Funded | Future Help Portal


Hurford Youth Fellowship Program 2022 in the USA


American Hurford Youth Leadership Program 2022 Full funding is finally open. The United States once again opened its doors to students from all over the World to participate in exchange programs funded by the United States. In the United States, this Exchange plan Includes all costs for the entire plan period. No application fee is required. No language skills test is required. The selected candidate will live in Washington, DC for 3 months. The Hurford Youth Scholarship will last from March 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022. Don't worry about academic education or CGPA. The plan focuses on your Leadership skills. Is that why are you interested in this plan? The choice is more than just academic performance. 

See more details about the Exchange program below.

What this Exchange Program Covers 

  • Participate in Exchange programs funded by the United States.
  • In the United States, this Exchange plan includes All Costs for the entire plan period. 
  • No Application Fee is required.
  • No Language Skills test is required. 
  • The Selected Candidate will live in Washington, DC for 3 months. 
  • The Horford Youth Scholarship will last from March 1, 2022 to May 31, 2022.
  •  Don't worry about Academic Education or CGPA. The plan focuses on your Leadership skills.

Read UNICEF Paid Internship Programs 2022 | Fully Funded Internship

Eligibility Criteria 

Eligibility Criteria for Hurford Youth Leadership programs:

  • The Hurford Exchange Program is open for Worldwide Students
  • The Age of Candidates should be less then thirty(30)
  • They should take a keen interest in Democratic activities and the development of democracy in their respective communities also around the World. 
  • Young people Affiliated with local community organizations are especially encouraged to apply.
  • English proficiency test is important for participating in the program for general Communication purposes.

Documents Required for this Program:

  • Updated Professional CV requires 
  • Reference Letters (maximum three and minimum two paragraph's)
  • Application form
  • Copy of the Passport


The deadline to apply for the Leadership Exchange Program in the US is July 3, 2021.

Click here for more Details of the Program👇

How to Apply?

The Application Procedure is submitted Online and through the official website
Click on the link below.

Official Website 

For Direct Apply